Wednesday, August 5, 2015
If you haven't heard yet, there was an attack at our local movie theater. PlaidMan and I were about to tune in the Weather Channel, but when we turned on the TV Channel 5 came on and said there had been a shooting at the Hickory 8 theater. The only one killed was the suspect (thank God), and only minor injuries for three of the victims. Details are still coming in on local news, I'll post more later.
Saturday, July 25, 2015
More from Antioch
Two posts in one year!! Is it a sign of the end times? Nope, just me deciding to check the blog and post something. Changed the header and some of my profile info. (sigh). Must get to Texas, must get to Texas soon. I don't know how much longer Pup is going to be around, and I've already lost Nana, Grandpa Tom, and Grandma Betty (if y'all follow Mom's blog too, I don't mean my Uncle Steve's mom, who's name is also Betty). One grandparent left, and I don't spend enough time with him.Are we getting a little sad here? Time to brighten things up! As told in the last post (from April), the PlaidPatrol has moved. We've settled into the new place nicely, and we've been doing some exploring around Antioch. I've had multiple encounters with the local spider populations (wolf spiders and brown recluses), TomTom upset the squirrel family living in our backyard, and man were they noisy! It's after 11 pm, so time to go for now.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
I'm still here
Remind me to change my header. Well, obviously I'm not co-authoring CeltChick's blog, Tres Divine. But if you've been reading my mom's blog, you would know that the Plaid Patrol has moved to new digs. We're in Antioch now and our new house has two floors! I'm living in the basement (it was made into living space by the previous home owner) and it's not scary at all. We have some nice neighbors around us, and multiple flocks of wild turkeys in the woods nearby. There's also a skunk that likes to visit the back porch (we wish it would stop). We have a pool just a short walk from the backdoor. We're no longer a million miles from everything! There will be more activity on this blog, probably just posts about turkey and squirrel encounters, setting up bird feeders, and filling in the little fish pond (there are no fish in the pond anymore).
Sunday, February 20, 2011
hi there!
O.K. everybody, big news: I’m going to be co-authoring on my Mom’s blog, Trés Divine, on a regular basis (as in more often than on this blog). Starting this Spring, I’ll be posting at least once a month, and I’ll also post the start/end of events on mom’s blog.
Speaking of events; Mom is having a giveaway on Trés Divine: four pairs of hand-knitted fingerless mitts, and two sets of hand-made stitch markers. For complete details, please go to my mom’s blog:; look for the post titled “Cha-cha-changes”,
Speaking of events; Mom is having a giveaway on Trés Divine: four pairs of hand-knitted fingerless mitts, and two sets of hand-made stitch markers. For complete details, please go to my mom’s blog:; look for the post titled “Cha-cha-changes”,
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Hello, World!!
I'm baaack (again)!!! It's 2010, I finished my classes @ Draughons (they're now a 4 year college, and have changed their name to Daymar), graduation is on June 05, 2010, I'm looking for a job (must have before June 01) 'cuz I have to start paying rent at the start of June, I'm on facebook, and I just looked @ the clock! Must go, got to get up early, and visit the local carrer center to look for jobs to apply to. TTFN! (I almost forgot, we have high-speed interwebs now. yay!)
Thursday, February 5, 2009
My Booklist
I've found a new series of books to read, all about someplace called the Forgotten Realms, and an elf named Drizzt. The first set of books I read were Homeland, Exile, and Sojourn. Adn...I think I'm going to quit posting after 10:30 pm, 'cause i'm makin' too many typos here. G'nite everybody.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Life Rule #123:
Never, and I mean NEVER piss off your Mom, especially if you live with her! To Boss Lady: I meant that in a good way, really I did!! And thanks for helping me with the spelling. And if you let me stay, I promise to keep the Beasts occupied while your knitting.
To Visitors: Well I said I'd post some pics, so here they are: first Miss Hinky-Boo, then Hink & TomTom, and last, just TomTom (with me in the background!). Now for pics of The Family (in order of rank): BossLady,(she's on the left) PlaidMan,(that's his mom on the left, and the top of my head @ the bottom) and myself, DiscoDame.(without my glasses!)
Will somebody PLEASE bring high-speed interwebs out to Joelton?!?! Sorry folks, but the innerwebs out here are too slow for me to add pics right now. I'll have to try at school, check back often. P.S.: The pics are here! Yes, folks, right here at the bottom.

To Visitors: Well I said I'd post some pics, so here they are: first Miss Hinky-Boo, then Hink & TomTom, and last, just TomTom (with me in the background!). Now for pics of The Family (in order of rank): BossLady,(she's on the left) PlaidMan,(that's his mom on the left, and the top of my head @ the bottom) and myself, DiscoDame.(without my glasses!)
Will somebody PLEASE bring high-speed interwebs out to Joelton?!?! Sorry folks, but the innerwebs out here are too slow for me to add pics right now. I'll have to try at school, check back often. P.S.: The pics are here! Yes, folks, right here at the bottom.

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